Webster speaks in African bullfrog language by clicking his picture. Perhaps its some comment about the web site.

Webster working hard to make this web site fun and informative for you.
Any comments, please forward them to Webster.
(No complaints please. This is a frog with an attitude and we have to live with him!)

At last! Some help! Meet Webster Too.
Contact the webmaster:



"OH NO! Not again! It must be Windows! It certainly can't be me!"

Webster's Pen Pals


(It's obvious this frog wanted to be featured on Webster's page. He cried until he was.)

Gorgy taking a bath and after

Bud in the tub

Daniel's baby Pyxies

Leif frog

Elaine's different colored fire bellies

Ms Toad a Lot, a very special friend of Webster's

Lottie on Halloween

Hurricane a house mate of Lottie's

Azibo which in Swahili, where Pyxies come from, means the whole earth

Little hitch hikers

Cleo and Clifford

Big tomato frogs and babies

Daniel's Pyxie family

Grace. Pretty frog, pretty name.


Jeremiah is a bull frog

Jeremiah enjoying his bath

Green and orange dart frogs

Hunk a Chunk. What a hunk he is!


Calisto and Maverick

Daniel's Cranwell

Figaro taking a swing

A lovely green toad

Harmony toad

Now I lay me down to sleep

Jane, a pretty green tree frog

Joe, a green tree frog and a special friend of Jane's

Roada and friend

Paddy and his rubber froggies at bath time

Mombo at dinner time

Loving toads from toadily toads

Sweet Obianus

Big Ned, little Ned and Bob


Hungry Pyxies

Pretty albino Pacman frog

Such a cute baby Pyxie

Spring time for Pyxies

A Buggets frog in the hand is worth....

Clive, right and left here. Clive lives in Australia.

Lazy Pyxies hanging out

