Hello, I'm Millicent but you can call me Millie.
I'll be your guide. I know you'll find something to croak about. And you can email me. Just Click Here. My staff and I will be happy to help you with your frog questions.
Millie quotes:
"A frog by any other name is still a frog and still as sweet."
"A frog catches more flies than honey ever can."
Millie Quotes
"Hello. I'm Millie. I'll be your guide."
"A frog by any other name is still as sweet and still a frog."
"Frogs catch more flies than honey ever can."

"I know you will find something to croak about. Click on my picture and I'll talk to Dear Millie. Advice for frogs and humans. you in red eye frog language."

The Prince has a crush on Millie! Read all about it here!

Published: 11/28/2024
Writer: Carole